Investor relation (IR) activities at Europris ASA aim to ensure that the information provided to financial markets gives market participants the best possible foundation for a correct valuation of the group. Europris communicates in an open, precise and transparent manner about the group’s performance and market position in order to give financial markets a correct picture of its financial condition and other factors which may affect value creation. Europris complies with the Oslo Stock Exchange code of practice for IR, last updated in March 2021.

All market participants will have access to the same information published in English. All notices sent to the stock exchange are made available on the group’s website at and at The CEO, CFO and Head of IR are responsible for communication with shareholders and analysts in the period between general meetings.

In connection with quarterly earnings reports, open presentations will be held for investors, analysts and other stakeholders. The presentations will also be available on via webcast.

Investor and analyst meetings as a general rule should not be held in the last 30 calendar days before financial reporting. In the same period, no comments should be given to the press or others about the group’s results or outlook.